Greek Yogurt Parfaits is an easy and tempting recipe. It’s a yummy recipe. You can make this meal at home for a perfect breakfast or brunch. You can add fruits according to the season because they contain zero points according to the Weight Watchers points. So you do not need to worry about your weight and can enjoy this refreshing meal. For this recipe, we don’t need so much time. It takes only 5 to 10 minutes and it will be ready. Let’s get started with this recipe.



To make the healthy and tempting Weight Watchers Greek Yogurt recipe you need,

  • Plain Fat-free yogurt 3 Cups
  • Strawberries 1 cup, chopped
  • Blueberries 1cup
  • Mangoes 1 cup
  • Almonds/ Walnuts 1 cup, garnished
  • Honey 1tbsp
  • Ready-to-eat granola cereal


  1. For this recipe, we will first make fruit jam. We can also use ready-made jam in this recipe.
  2. For jam, we will take strawberries, mangoes and raspberries. Cut them into pieces.
  3. Now we will take the pan and add all fruits into the pan.
  4. Turn the stove on and cook all fruits on low medium flame until all fruits are not softened. We will continue to stir.
  5. Add 1 tbsp honey to this pan. We will cook all the fruits until they reach a consistency similar to jam.
  6. When the fruit’s consistency turns like a jam, we will turn out the stove and let it cool down.
  7. Meanwhile time, we will take a bowl and add fat-free yogurt. Stir yogurt.
  8. Now we will take parfait glasses and assemble all the ready ingredients.
  9. In this class, we will add the first layer of fruit jam, the second layer of plain yogurt, 3rd layer of ready-made cereal, and at the top, we will add garnish almonds.
  10. To read every parfait glass, we will repeat the same layering process.


Always use fresh fruits to make the yogurt parfaits. It will enhance the dish’s flavors and creamy texture.


Before buying all the ingredients in a supermarket, check the Weight Watchers point chart. Whole milk yogurt has 2 points while fat-free yogurt has 1 point.

Storage Information

You can store the yogurt parfaits in the refrigerator for 3 days


What other toppings are used for this yogurt parfait?

For the topping, you can use ready-made cereals, garnished almonds or walnuts, crackers, and other low-sugar cereals.

Nutritional Facts

Serving size 1 parfait

Total Calories 130kcal
Carbohydrates 14g
Sugar 12g
Fat 1g
Fiber 1g
Weight watchers point
Plain Fat-free yogurt 0 points
Honey 2 points
Cereals 3-6 points
Fruits zero points
Almonds 5 points

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