1 1/2 lbs Stew Meat, brought to room temperature
5 Cups of Beef Stock
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 1/2 Tbsp Minced Garlic
2 Tbsp Tomato Paste
Assorted Veggies: Chopped Carrots, Celery, and onion
1 Cup Potatoes, diced (Optional but recommended for a hearty touch)
1/2 Cup Barley
1 Chicken Bouillon Cube
Seasonings to taste: Think about a blend of seasoned salt, onion powder, garlic
powder, pepper, Saison, and a dash of smoked paprika for added zest.
1. Preparation: Ensure your stew meat is at room temperature. This ensures even
2. Searing the Meat: In a large skillet or pot, heat the olive oil. Once hot, add your
stew meat. You’ve seasoned it, right? Ensure it’s browned on all sides,
approximately 5-6 minutes. This isn’t to cook it through, just to seal in those
juicy flavors.
3. Veggies In: Once the meat is browned, set it aside on a plate. In the same
skillet, harness the flavors left behind by the meat. Toss in your garlic, carrots,
celery, and onions. Stir until they’re coated in the glorious mix of meat juices
and olive oil.
4. Paste and Stock: Add the tomato paste to your veggies. It might be strong, but
it’s essential. Mix until well combined. Pour in your beef stock, ensuring it
deglazes the pan, picking up all the flavorful bits stuck at the bottom.
5. Meat’s Return: Introduce the browned meat back to the skillet. This is where
the flavors marry and dance.
6. Seasoning: Here’s where you toss in that bouillon cube, enhancing the depth
of flavors. Remember the herbs? Add a sprinkle of thyme and rosemary. For a
subtle depth, a dash of Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce won’t hurt.
7. Simmering Time: Lower the heat, cover your pot, and let the magic happen.
Simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour. Your cue? The meat should be
irresistibly tender.
8. The Barley & Potatoes Touch: If you opted for potatoes, now’s their time to
shine. Add them and the barley to the pot. Mix well, cover again, and let them
cook for another 20-25 minutes. You’re looking for plump barley and soft
9. Serve and Enjoy: Once done, serve it hot. Revel in the blend of flavors and
textures. Each bite should give you tender meat, soft barley, and perfectly
cooked veggies.